Your weekly horoscope is here. Catch a ride to the other side as eclipse season begins on Tuesday with a full harvest supermoon in watery Pisces. Balance themes around daily habits and material world chores with heightened empathy, dreams, and mystic fantasy. When you ask, “What would my best self do?,” what guidance comes to you from this nebulous space of knowing? This is your particle and wave moment, so tune in to the moon and remember there are many levels of reality happening all at once. Tend to both the mundane and subtle, emotional realms of your life for wholeness.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of September 15 through 21, 2024.
A full moon in your sphere of dreams could have your intuition dialed into the collective this week. Note what you pick up “in your waters,” as this one is steeped in the mystic and artistic. However, balance with the mundane to keep the cogs of your day turning. Channel the muses and escape through art, music, or meditation. After the full moon, La Luna glides through Aries on Wednesday morning through early Friday. Pick up the pace, take some time for yourself, and follow your gut instincts. This is the best time of the month to focus on self-care. What makes you feel nurtured and nourished? It might not be the standard, so do whatever is unique to you personally.
This week’s full moon eclipse resets in your social sphere, so take note of what stirs in the pot under these dramatic skies. The zap zone is Tuesday, so perhaps it’s best to lie low rather than get caught up in someone else’s drama. Tune into gentle and transportive music, make some art, or drop into a contemplative mode to sail the seas of this watery wonderland. This full moon is in opposition to the sun lighting up your sphere of personal pursuits. Consider how a pastime, a talent, or your leisure-time choices underpin the way you engage with friends, peers, and group interests in general. These two parts of your life are interdependent, so give them equal energy. Enjoy simple pleasures as the moon rolls through your sign on Friday and Saturday.