Everyone knows the perfect balance to nailing an OOTD is looking semi-effortless. ‘Try-hard’ has never been the vibe. Except, um, now it kind of is? Blasé waves are the ultra polished hairstyle we've noticed rapidly picking up momentum among the It-girls, and it leans heavily into super glamorous, undeniably styled waves. The difference? The attitude that goes with it is neither preppy, nor prissy. Instead, it's a lot more bratty and audacious.
What are blasé waves?
Blasé waves are basically a collision between the old money, quiet luxury, upper east-sider aesthetics that have been blowing up on TikTok, and the bratty, grungy, rebel movements that have been taking off as an antidote. In practice, it offers up perfectly sculpted, bouncy, glossy, vintage-y waves, that wouldn't look out of place on a '50s film star. But instead of good-girl manners and demure makeup looks, its served with a side of side-eye, and often a makeup look, outfit or attitude that has a bit more edge.
Why choose blasé waves?
Contradictions keep things interesting and this is the ultimate in high-low hair. Consider this the 2024 hair equivalent of noughties dress coats with baker boy hats. It pairs something very ‘proper’ with something unexpected and more low-key. Blasé waves are less about the style itself and more about what you blend it with: bougie hair for a more casual occasion. Glossy waves with a T-shirt and jeans, or perfect curls with smudgy eyeliner.
A great example is Lily-Rose Depp. She's known for her edgier style and her grittier makeup. Her whole mood is: dgaf. But, she often finishes off her look with very polished hair, which is a self-assured statement in itself. She didn't wake up like this, she put in a bit of effort, but she looks next-level.
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How to wear blasé waves?
We've noticed blasé waves become a go-to among some of our favorite celebs and influencers. Here's some of our favourite ways to wear them.
Blasé waves with sulky lip liner and bratty eyeliner
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Stretched blasé waves with a sultry smoky eye
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Blasé waves with baddy eyeliner and over-lined lips
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Blasé waves with a power red lip
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Blasé waves with bratty eyeliner
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