In August, Mercury stationed retrograde in the earthly Virgo. With the planet of communication, technology, and travel in its home sign of Virgo, but with a retrograde period in full swing, this transit might have made things a little complicated. We ended July with Mercury entering Virgo, which helped us to express ourselves more clearly. It was a good time to take advantage of your 15 minutes! We entered June still in the midst of Gemini season, which encouraged us to lean into connection, communication, and thinking more creatively.
May began with a Pluto retrograde period in the eccentric sign of Aquarius. This transit was with us until Pluto, the outermost planet, stationed direct on October 11. It asked us to face our shadows, secrets, and taboos with bravery. We entered April still in the midst of Aries season, which encouraged us to be bold and take risks in order to reach our goals. It was a great time to tap into your confidence and leave uncertainty and insecurity behind you. As March wound down, we ended with a full moon Lunar eclipse in Libra. This major lunation brought undeniable shifts and changes for all zodiac signs, but especially for Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Aries, and Capricorn placements.
As February progressed, we had Venus in conjunction with outer planet Pluto, both in the sign of Aquarius. This brought a big shake-up in our closest relationships and in where we felt like we fit in the world. January was a month full of transformative and passionate transits. We started off January with the sun in calculated and driven Capricorn, encouraging us all to bring our dreams to life through tangible and actionable steps. A week later a new moon arrived in Capricorn, which helped us to plant seeds of intention and finally get clear about who we want to be going forward.
So what lies ahead? Read on to see what’s in store for your sign—or your rising sign—in 2024 with your monthly tarotscopes. (PS: Want more guidance? Don’t forget to check your weekly horoscope on Glamour.)
Aries & Aries Rising Tarotscope
Aries, this month will be all about taking up space and allowing your leadership skills to shine! To find out why, read your full Aries tarot horoscope for December 2024.